Dark Iot

Electronic and Programming for pleasure

WebSocket GameServer

  • Why
  • Establish Connecton
  • Client Status Update
  • Why

    A Current Sparetime project is the writing of a WebSocket 3D GameServer,
    inspired from THREE.JS .
    THREE.JS works well for little Browser side 3D Projects, but I had the fear that on a larger scale the CPU performance wouldn't be enough to do it with JavaScript. Because for each RayCast, which is used for collission detection, a lot of calculations are done for each triangle, and a WorldMesh has a lot of triangles.
    So the idea was to make Raycasts as close to the MachineCode as Possible, thats why I searched and ported the Raycast or intersectTriangle Function to C++.
    Since on the Serverside are not textures are required and Wavefront OBJ files are a simple Fileformat, I started to write a loader for them.

    Establish Connecton

    The client (webpage) opens a webSocket connection, without sending data.
    The server response to the open connection with a connection id. Everytime the client sends data, this connection ID needs to be send.


    Client Status Update

    The client notifys the server about the input states like:
