Kitchen Weight Scale
Kitchen Weight Scale with Serial and Web UI
Kitchen Weight Scale
Based on ESP32
Web UI over WiFi.
Project Files as ZIP:
(STUB) Arduino Project
Why another Kitchen Weight Scale?
Because of Covid. No/less social contacts, feel bored, it's almost easy and predictable.
Does the world need this weight scale? Devinitly not, but it makes a nice puzzle.
A digital kitchen weight scale is a good corona puzzle, here is a simple USB powered version.
No need for a battery managment system, this simplifies assembling.
The core components are:
- weight cell (left)
- micro controler dev board ESP32 or any other (top right)
- high resolution signal converter (ADC) here a ADS1115, better results maybe from a HX711 (bottom right)
Below is a simplified minimal setup to check the resolution of the core setup with a full 500ml water bottle.
The ADS1115 is a fast low noise signal converter with 64 samples per secon the lowest bit is almost stable,
but the bottle has a weight of 90 digit's.
Assumed thats 500ml=1/2 kg the weight scale has a resolution of 5.55 gram.
Comming to the Display (SSD1306).
I use the ESP32. Most Librarys are designed for traditional Arduinos with ATMEL MCU.
My first try with the Library from Adafruit resulted in a crash. The Adafruit library has some good ideas,
like using a pointer to a TwoWire (I2C) Object for communication, on ESP32 you can map this on an other I2C Bus
But the library crashed, now I has to use the same I2C Bus for ADC and Display, but at least it works.
I use the "ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays" by "ThingPulse" in version 4.2.1. (Thanks ThingPulse for your Work)